Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have been in search of the perfect watch lately and found these great time pieces on etsy...

TOP LEFT from-
This square women's watch with a hand tooled double wrap leather band has a feminine pink face and smaller size.
Dark watch face with unusually shaped numbers, love this for it's Madmax feel.
Pocket watch worn on a long gold chain, dresses up any casual outfit. Wear with skinnys and
a boyfriend blazer and a white T shirt, for a feminine take on menswear.
Wear this watch with a gauzy bohemian dress and wooden platform sandals.

What's getting my attention right now:
-The chunkier the better
-Pocket watches on long chains.
-Leather, leather and more leather.

Monday, June 14, 2010 smell the flowers

School has finally ended, no more schedules to keep, time is our own, the fun may begin... This usually applies to my kids at this time of year, but this year I've decided it shall also apply to me. I have taken an oath of sorts...

I have taken myself off of the TIME schedule at work and I am not going to work any hours at our businesses, unless I absolutely have to (I'm the boss..why not?)

I am only going to drive people around to one chosen activity each and hope and pray I can cram them all into 4 days a week-leaving 3 days without a set TIME schedule.

I will only spend morning TIME hours at the computer, and let other people do the work for me.

I will not make complicated menus and use all my TIME trying to execute them, when simpler is better anyway.

I will not try to cram exercise TIME into every day and just let the happenings of the day dictate what body parts get a workout.

As I grow older I am realizing how precious our TIME is and taking TIME to smell the flowers is so important not just for me, but my family as well.



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