Sunday, March 20, 2011

Liv's spring trends

I have not had any time recently to breath let alone blog. You might already know that one of my best models just happens to be my oldest daughter Olivia. She thankfully said she would like to be a guest blogger, so I gratefully took her up on that offer. Here are Livie's thoughts on fashion.

I have always liked beauty and fashion. Ever since I was little, I loved dressing up in fairy costumes, mascara, and doing my own hair. It didn't need to be a special occasion either. On most days I would just open up the wooden dress-up chest and choose a puffy, pink tutu that I would wear. But just like I've grown, my style has too. I don't consider myself to have a certain style because I like all different types of things. I just wear what I like, and what I think looks good. Of course that usually corresponds to things I see and like on other people.

Lately, I've noticed that hair feather extensions and tinsel are getting really popular. My friend has gold tinsel and it's really cute. I personally like them both and am planning to attach my own feathers. I bought them from Laura on etsy. Here's a link so you can pick some up. She has all different colors of feathers that you can order and then attach yourself. 

My favorite colors for spring and summer would have to be coral or peach. I have been gravitating mostly to those colors, when I usually don't like very colorful things. One of my favorite sweatshirts is a bright peachy pink. I
 just love that color:)

 On etsy, we're going to have alot of cute, coral vintage pieces to choose from soon, so keep your eyes out!


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